ProviderShopOrderLine Object


The fields in this section list which values can be retrieved when querying ProviderShopOrderLine records.

id (ID!)

Unique identifier of the object.

orderedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

After this moment the shop article is no longer available in the shop.

price (MonetaryAmount)

The price of a single unit.

priceCurrency (Currency)

The currency of the price of this shop article.

recurringPeriod (ShopArticleRecurringPeriod)

The frequency in which the recurring price is due.

recurringPrice (MonetaryAmount)

The recurring price of a single unit.

recurringPriceCurrency (Currency)

The currency of the recurring price of this shop article.

totalPrice (MonetaryAmount)

The total price of a all units.

totalRecurringPrice (MonetaryAmount)

The recurring price of a all units.


ProviderShopOrderLine implements the following interfaces. This means that fragments defined on these interfaces may be used in queries returning a ProviderShopOrderLine.