TimesheetSetting Object

Root Connection

All TimesheetSetting objects of an account are accessible by a query on the root connection timesheetSettings. Such a query will return a TimesheetSettingConnection!, which contains the TimesheetSetting objects in its nodes field.

timesheetSettings (TimesheetSettingConnection!)

Root connection for retrieving TimesheetSetting records.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

filter TimesheetSettingFilter

Filter to determine which TimesheetSetting records are returned.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.


The fields in this section list which values can be retrieved when querying TimesheetSetting records.

account (Account)

The account this record belongs to.

allocationTimeTracking (Boolean)

Whether people of the related organizations need to be able to register time entries for the time allocations that are linked to their organizations.

allowWorkdayOvertime (Boolean)

Whether the people of the organizations to which the timesheet settings are linked are allowed to register more time for a single day than the amount of time specified in the Workday field.

allowWorkweekOvertime (Boolean)

Whether the people of the organizations to which the timesheet settings are linked are allowed to register more time for a single week than the amount of time specified in the Workweek field.

assignmentTimeTracking (Boolean)

Whether the Time spent field needs to be available in requests, problems and tasks for specialists of the related organizations to specify how long they have worked on their assignments.

createdAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the record was created.

disabled (Boolean)

Whether the timesheet settings may no longer be related to any more organizations.

id (ID!)

Unique identifier of the record.

name (String)

The name of the timesheet settings.

notifyOnIncomplete (Boolean)

Whether an email notification should be sent to each person who registered fewer hours for the past week than the workweek hours.

percentageIncrement (TimesheetSettingPercentageIncrement)

The minimum amount percentage of a workday that the people of the organizations to which the timesheet settings are linked can select when they register a time entry. This percentage of a workday is also the increment by which they can increase this minimum percentage of a workday.

problemEffortClass (EffortClass)

The effort class that is selected by default, when someone in an organization linked to the timesheet settings registers time on a problem.

projectTaskEffortClass (EffortClass)

The effort class that is selected by default, when someone in an organization linked to the timesheet settings registers time on a project task.

requestEffortClass (EffortClass)

The effort class that is selected by default, when someone in an organization linked to the timesheet settings registers time on a request.

requireNote (Boolean)

Whether the Note field needs to become required, when someone in an organization linked to the timesheet settings registers time on a request, problem or task.

source (String)

An identifier for the client application submitting the resource or the name of an external system.

sourceID (String)

The unique identifier of the resource in an external system.

taskEffortClass (EffortClass)

The effort class that is selected by default, when someone in an organization linked to the timesheet settings registers time on a workflow task.

timeAllocationEffortClass (EffortClass)

The effort class that is selected by default, when someone in an organization linked to the timesheet settings registers time on a time allocation.

timeIncrement (TimesheetSettingTimeIncrement)

The minimum amount of time that the people of the organizations to which the timesheet settings are linked can select when they register a time entry. This amount of time is also the increment by which they can increase this minimum amount of time.

unit (TimesheetSettingUnit)

Whether the people of the organizations to which the timesheet settings are linked need to register their time in hours and minutes, or as a percentage of a workday.

updatedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time of the last update of the record. If the record has no updates it contains the createdAt value.

workday (Int)

The duration of a workday in minutes.

workweek (Int)

The duration of a workweek in minutes.


The connection fields in this section allow (paged) access to objects related to a specific TimesheetSetting record. The actual objects will be in the nodes field of the connection.

effortClasses (EffortClassConnection)

Effort classes of the timesheet setting.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

organizations (OrganizationConnection)

Organizations of the timesheet setting.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.


TimesheetSetting implements the following interfaces. This means that fragments defined on these interfaces may be used in queries returning a TimesheetSetting.